What an honor to be featured on
BEST OF THE WEB Gingerbread Houses!

Here is my Valentine's Day Gingerbread House! Isn't it sweet?
The main ingredients: LOVE & CONFECTION!
For the roof I cut individual 1 1/2 " hearts, slightly overlayed them in rows on a flat piece of foil and gently pressed the them together. Then I carefully lifted the the tin foil and hearts and placed them on a curved tin foil form and baked them. As the hearts baked they infused themselves together. The two side walls were also baked on a curved form. The front and back walls are flat.
My sweet little snowman is made of gum paste. For the sparkle I brushed him with vodka and rolled him in disco dust. The scarf and hat are also gum paste.
For the candy decorations I used strawberry Whoppers, Good & Plenty, Sweet Tart Gummie Hearts, and pink heart sprinkles.
I used royal icing for the piping and the snow.